Happy Blog-Aversary!
Well, this week marks the second full year of blogging. I am always so surprised when I think about it because the time has really gone quite fast.
To be honest, I have been amazed by several things: First is the fact that people still read, still share, and still want to listen to the ramblings of a thirty-five-year-old pastor. Second, I am amazed how much blogging has changed me.
Blogging has become a discipline that I’ve found comforting. Whenever I’m not sure what God is saying to me, whenever I feel as if I am not hearing my call in the world, blogging has become an outlet to discern. While it isn’t always as clean or as catchy as I would like it to be, my blog has shown me that people seem to respond better to the mess than to the perfected.
I think that disciplines gain the most footing when done over an extended period of time with evaluations along the way. Blogging in Year One looked completely different from blogging in Year Two, in which I had better systems, and in turn, better results.
Ultimately, I’m learning that consistency and authenticity drive more engagement than anything else. And while producing a great product is important, it is so subjective that greatness is often left to the eyes of the reader. So, if you are a faithful reader, or just stopping by, thank you! Thank you for coming on this journey with me.
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One reason I encourage people to blog is that the act of doing it stretches your available vocabulary and hones a new voice.
- Seth Godin