An Open Letter To My Daughter About Her Mom
Dear Shiloh,
This is one of those moments that I want to make sure you remember. Right now you are young (and adorable), and one of the problems with that is that sometimes we forget. I don’t want you to forget what your mom is doing for you, and for other little girls like you.
As much as I hate to admit it, there are evil people in the world. Those people have decided to victimize young people, especially young girls. They seduce them with empty promises, and incentivize loyalty using material gifts. Once those evil people have set the trap, they bring those young people into a situation that is almost impossible to get out of on their own. It is called sex trafficking, and it is slavery.
Sweetheart, this happens in every community around the world. Please don’t think it won’t happen here, and please don’t think it won’t to someone you may go to school with. This is an issue that does not discriminate based on where you live.
While this certainly breaks my heart, your mom has decided to do something about it. She has decided to make it her mission, in this season of her life, to bring awareness to this travesty. While what you may remember is that for a couple of years your mom wore a dress every day in December, the truth is that she has done a lot more than that. Your mom is out there bringing awareness and fighting for the freedom of those enslaved in trafficking. She prays every day for this cause. Make no mistake; this is bigger than a dress. This is about her commitment to not forgetting about the young people enslaved. She does this so that people will know this is not acceptable. She does this because when she looks in your eyes she knows she has to fight for what is good and right in the world.
You will always be my little girl, but someday I know that you will grow up. My prayer for you is that you have the courage to fight injustice, and that, even if it means doing little things, you will bring awareness about the evil that break the heart of God.
I pray that you have the strength and heart of your mom.
Love You,
p.s.- If you want to read more about what Karen is doing, or support Karen's cause to click here.