Don't drop the glass ball.

My wife is out of town right now and I have been getting all three kids ready for whatever adventures the day holds. One of the things that I've noticed is that when she is out of town I cut out all the fluff. Anything extra, any special touches, anything that distracts me from completing the primary task at hand I cut out.

When it comes to the stress of change or adversity the first thing that I do is cut out the extra stuff. I might not workout, cut my time short in my reading, might not blog, or I might even forget to just enjoy the moment.

Yep, when I'm stressed I cut out all the "extras." Do you know what the "extras" remind me of- the top 4 - new year's resolutions. Change is the only certain thing in 2014, I don't want to let the fear of change mix up what I am trying to accomplish.

I think the key for making 2014 the year of my dreams is to making sure that my resolutions change from something I resolve to do to something that I prioritize as a part of my life.

Priorities feel different than resolutions, I don't negotiate priorities, I build my life around them.

I once had a Colonel who taught me an important lesson: Don't drop the glass ball when juggling the stress of life. The key to making something a priority is making it a glass ball and deciding not to drop it.

What are your priorities and how are you going to change your life to make them happen?

snow daze - understanding your calling

The one thing I am going to do in 2014.