Tony Miltenberger is the founder of Follow2Lead Coaching. He is a veteran, podcast host, executive coach, author, and the associate pastor of disciple making at Centerville Grace Church. Throughout the years, Tony has traveled the globe taking deployments in Kuwait, El Salvador, and numerous marriage retreats throughout the US. He has consulted with churches in the deep south and multi-million dollar organizations in the Midwest.
He has done hundreds of hours of pastoral counseling and executive coaching. Each conversation helps people uncover their true potential by taking a deep look at their past as well as their hopes for the future. He is genuinely curious and passionate about pursuing the mission of making disciples who make disciples.
His proudest accomplishment is being the father to three amazing kids and being married to his high school sweetheart (Karen) for over 20 years.
Talking about what it means to look at your inner wound, the wound that happens to all of us in childhood Some psychologists call it small “t” trauma. When leaders learn more about their wounds, they begin to get a clearer picture on how they see the world. Wisdom is not the absence of wounds, but rather intimacy with them.
Helping people establish their values, what they base them on, and how they define them to better achieve the outcomes they want in their lives.
Tony has been working with couples since his book Unbreakable was published in 2014. His unique take on marriage is that most people don’t fall in and out of love, they fall in and out of commitment. And it’s not a commitment to monogamy; it’s a commitment to the disciplines of being married.
Tony is passionate about disciple making, and helping churches get clear about how the Bible requires us to be intentional, relational, and reproducible.
2024 live podcast event with Carlos Whittaker
What is a wound and why does it matter to leaders?
How do you determine the success of your values?
How did the Army shape your definition of servant leadership?
What does disciple making have to do with leadership?
How do leaders live with integrity?
What is the balance of faith and leadership in the workplace?
What are the disciplines of marriage and why does it matter?
How did you deal with sin in marriage?
What is your number one recommendation for marriage?
What does it mean to fall in and out of commitment?
What is programmatic disciple making versus relational disciple making?
What is intentional, relational, and reproducible mean when it comes to disciple making?
Where do most churches fail when it comes to the discipleship pathway?
What is the first step when looking for someone to disciple?
(a small sample)
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