Top Five Posts of 2016

This year the blog turned three! What an amazing journey this has been for me, and I thought I would take a minute to say “thank you.” Thank you for all the encouraging comments, thank you for all the emails, and thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read some of my crazy thoughts.

It was a good year for writing, although the consistency wasn’t always as strong as I like it. I thought I would share the top five posts of 2016:

1. The Coach Made My Kid Cry

2. Three Years of Sobriety and I Still Have the Same Problem

3. Somewhere Along the Way I Got a New Wife

4. It Was a Strange Feeling: My Aunt Died and I Wasn’t Sad

5. What is Your Legacy? What is Your Passion?

Again, thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my heart. I’m excited to see what 2017 holds.

Happy New Year!

Confessions of a Scared Dad: Why I Take My Kids on Dates

Practical Tips for Surviving Christmas Eve at Church