The other night Karen and I were having a conversation, just the two of us. We were talking and it appeared that she made a look to the empty part of the room, at which point I made some comment about who she was talking to, and the next thing you know the two of us erupted with laughter.
This hysterical outburst led us to several days of laughter in our marriage. And it wasn’t just small giggles, it was good ol’ fashion belly laughter. It was fun, engaging, and incredibly romantic.
Then, after another week of tiling I could hear the laughter from all the people working. The laughter echoed in the halls of the church and it was clear that the people who had been working so hard had also formed a bond. This group was getting closer and closer. The work was hard, but the fun was evident. All this laughing reminded me of something that my good friend Wayne once told me:
“Tony, if they are laughing they are getting closer. If they are laughing, they are in a really good place.”
Laughter is one of those things that we can’t put a price on when it comes to our relationships. Laughter can be as vulnerable as crying, and as uniting as a long hug. Laughter has a great way of reminding us that we are all in this together, while simultaneously nudging us not to take things too seriously.
How has your laughter been lately?
Have you taking life so seriously that you forgot to have fun?
Maybe it’s time for all of us to take a deep breath and find something to laugh at in life. Surround yourself with people you love or people you care about and be intentional about taking in the laughter.
I promise, being serious about laughter is no joke.